When i saw it, it was so bloated and look as if it gonna burst anytime.
Just like the frog below.(maybe they're related. who knows?)

So i was boring that time.
And then i started a one-way conversation with my fellow froggie. :D
I told it: "You are very FAT ler, stupid frog!"
Then it didn't give me any response.
But after i bath, it suddenly shrunk/shrivel/flatten out(any term u like)
The unknown gas inside its body was released!(Farted?)
Anyway it just flatten out and become so small. OMG
Such an amazing sight~~
So thin that i believe it can fly like the frog below. Hehe.

Do i successed in making u feel like "Sweat =.= What a noob post?" ?!!
Haha its my intention to do so :P
Coz its too boring. LOL =X
Off to prepare my presentation for tomorrow. ^^
LOL you hurt it's small little heart by saying it is fattt..XD xuan here
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